serial_mock API


MockSerial Class

class serial_mock.MockSerial(stream, logfile=None, **kwargs)[source]

MockSerial(stream:string) instanciates a new MockStreamTunnel, stream should point to the comm port to listen on. in general this class should not be directly invoked but should be subclassed, you can find some examples in the examples folder, or in the file

  • stream – a path to a pipe (ie “/dev/ttyS99”,”COM11”), a stream like object, or “DEBUG”
  • data_prefix – the separator between getters/setters and the data_attribute they reference
>>> from serial_mock.decorators import serial_query
>>> from serial_mock.mock import MockSerial
>>> class SimpleSerial(MockSerial):
...     simple_queries = {
...         "get -name":"hello my name is bob",
...         "get -next":["123","456","789"],
...         "get -id":12
...     }
...     data={"x":6}
...     @serial_query("trigger command")
...     def do_something(self,requiredArg,optionalArg="0"):
...         return "RESULT: %r %r"%(requiredArg,optionalArg)
>>> mock = SimpleSerial("DEBUG")            
>>> mock.process_cmd("trigger command 1")
"RESULT: '1' '0'"
>>> mock.process_cmd("trigger command 1 2")
"RESULT: '1' '2'"
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -name")
'hello my name is bob'
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -next")
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -next")
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -next")
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -next")
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -id")
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -x")
>>> mock.process_cmd('set -x 10')
>>> mock.process_cmd("get -x")
data = {}

any keys defined in data will automatically have getters or setters created for them

data_prefix = '-'

the prefix to use with data auto generated routes

baudrate = 9600

the baudrate we should operate at

prompt = '>'

the prompt to display to the user

delimiter = '\r'

user_terminal defines the character(or characters, or regexp, or list) of items that indicate our user has finished a command

endline = '\r'

endline defines the character to output after our response but before our prompt

simple_queries = {}

any key:value pair in simple queries is exposed as a simple query response … and the query string must be an exact match value can be a string/unicode/bytes value or it can be a list or array, if a list or array is passed in then the responses will be cycled any other value type will be coerced to str

logfile = None

looks up a command to see if its registered. and returns the result if it is otherwise returns an error string in general this command should not be invoked directly (but it can be…)

>>> from serial_mock.mock import MockSerial
>>> inst = MockSerial("DEBUG") 
>>> inst.process_cmd("a")
"ERROR 'a' Not Found"
Parameters:cmd – the command to process
Returns:a string (the result of the command)

stop the MainLoop if running :return:


Mainloop will run forever serving the rules provided in the subclass to the bound pipe

DummySerial Class

class serial_mock.DummySerial(MockSerialClass)[source]

DummySerial provides a serial.Serial interface into a MockSerial instance. you can use this as a dropin replacement to serial.Serial, for anything that accepts serial.Serial as an argument

>>> from serial_mock.mock import DummySerial,MockSerial
>>> from serial_mock.decorators import serial_query
>>> class MyInterface(MockSerial):
...     @serial_query("trigger command")
...     def do_something(self,requiredArg,optionalArg="0"):
...         return "RESULT: %r %r"%(requiredArg,optionalArg)
>>> ser = DummySerial(MyInterface)
>>> ser.write("trigger command 5\r")
"RESULT: '5' '0'\r>"
>>> ser.write("trigger command 1 2\r")
"RESULT: '1' '2'\r>"
is_open = True

Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException if the port cannot be opened.


Close port


Output the given byte string over the serial port.


Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block until the requested number of bytes is read.

EmittingSerial Class

class serial_mock.EmittingSerial(stream, logfile=None, **kwargs)[source]

EmmitingSerial(stream:string) provides a reference class on an interface that periodically emits a “heartbeat” type message

  • stream – a path to a pipe (ie “/dev/ttyS99”,”COM11”), a stream like object, or “DEBUG”
  • data_prefix – the separator between getters/setters and the data_attribute they reference
emit = 'EMIT MSG'
delay = (5, 35)
interval = (15, 35)

Mainloop will run forever serving the rules provided in the subclass to the bound pipe

debug output

these modules make use of pythons logging module, you can set the verbosity with logging.getLogger("serial_mock").setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

Indices and tables